On-demand Robotic Inspection Services

New way to
Inspect your Assets.


Robotic Inspection helps you to be

Cost Effective

Our Services eliminates the high cost of tank shutdown and the need for storage/scaffolding setup for inspection and maintainance.


Operationally Safe

Our Services ensures safety by eliminating humans intervention for work at height, confined space entry and exposure to hazardous chemicals & gases using ATEX Compliance & Certified Robots.

Fast Turnaround

Our robots are highly portable and requires minimal support systems for launch and recovery. Therefore avoids disruptions in plant operations, keeping revenue constant.


PetroBot robots are safe in Zone 2 Zone 1 Zone 0 as our tools are

3D shape

ATEX Certified


Services by Asset

Our Robots and Products

Supports Camera

UT based thickness mapping

MagRover - High Adheshive Force

Intuitive Report Visualization

Fast Turnaround

Safer Inspection

No Shutdown Required

No Harmful Exposure to Gases

ITIS Rover

InService Tank Inspection System ~ "ITIS" Rover.

This robotic tool allows for the inspection of bottom plates of operational liquid-filled storage tanks without the need for shutdowns, draining, cleaning, degasification, or ventilation.

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Robot Platform

Magnetic Crawling Robotic Platform ~ "Mag"Rover.

This robotic platform is designed to inspect an varieties of asset's surface, providing a massive amount of data using UT Scanning to make better decisions compared to sparse and inconclusive UT spot reading.

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ITIS Rover
Product (BETA)

Online Data Visualization tool - PetroBot Visualize.

A platform to access inspection reports from a single repository. The presence of all inspection reports and visual graphs helps you make the correct decision very fast.

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Trusted by the industry leaders. Make your Inspection smarter now.

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